
Maybe I should invest in blinders...

I can not wait for the elections to be over. I am doing far to much yelling at my television combined with bird flipping at both the t.v. and signage around town. Living in a mainly conservative community has never been more apparent until now and it is causing me to experience extremes in emotions. I think maybe my cats hate when I scream at the television (they run away and hide) every time a political ad comes on that expresses opinions that really (I believe) those people should be embarrassed to have, so sometimes I just turn my head and try to hide while flipping off my t.v. Yes, I realize that makes me sound like a crazy person but it is helping me cope, however I need the elections to be over because I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to hold myself together in public for much longer.

Here are some things I'm looking at to help me hold it together and make me laugh instead:

  • The comedy of Louis CK...watch out, it's not PG - this is a link to a few of his jokes but I watched his whole stand up on Netflix and really did lol.
  • These Not Always _____ websites do not disappoint.
  • So many amazing things to look at on The Berry
  • And then there's this whole website

I never seem to finish...

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