
My Eyes!

So, dating and love has not been easy for me - I mean I tend to fall in love easily but it's the finding someone to stay in love with that has failed me. On a walk with my sister on Sunday we were talking about online dating and we both were talking about how "not for us" it was. But, then we also talked about how it might be the only way to meet new people so we thought that maybe if we did it together it might be more doable. I created for myself a profile on match. Can I just tell you how much I HATE filling out things about myself? I loathe it, as soon as I try to write about myself I become the most boring, un-witty person on the planet when really I am quite awesome.
Anyhow, I filled it out (sort of) and then started looking at the matches that were suggested for me. I realize even before I type what I'm about to type that it's going to sound mean and conceited but I'm going to say it anyway. I clicked on some of the photos of these guys and immediately wished I could undo the damage. Gah! My eyes, my EYES! I do not need to be with a model type (God knows I'm not the model type) but I would like to be with someone who sets my little heart a flutter. Come on internet, figure it out.

1 comment:

Gina Dickman said...

please keep me updated on how this online dating goes!! i feel some good stories could ensue haha